Why password autofill is risky

Many people use password autofill on their web browser or password manager for convenience. The feature, however, can be used by hackers and advertisers to access user accounts and gather your sensitive information without your consent. Why password autofill is so dangerous Modern web browsers and password managers have a feature that enables usernames and […]

3 Reasons to accept Windows 11’s TPM requirement

Windows 11 made a lot of buzz not just because of its new features but also because of its hardware requirements. For one, it requires supported devices to have Trusted Platform Module (TPM) 2.0 chips, otherwise, the new OS cannot be installed. In comparison, Windows 10 ran on TPM 1.2. If your business uses computers […]

Prevent hackers from exploiting your business printers with these tips

Can business printers get hacked? The short answer is yes. Anything that connects to your business network can be exploited by malicious actors on the internet, even innocuous machines like your printers. These can be exploited to steal data and/or create entry points into your system to launch larger attacks. So make sure you follow […]

Why you need a VPN and how to choose the right one

Today, just installing anti-malware software and a firewall on your computer isn’t enough to keep you safe as you use the internet. Nowadays, a hacker can intercept messages sent to and from your computer and steal the data they contain. This is why you need a virtual private network (VPN). What is a VPN? A […]

Here’s how to make sure your business properly handles PHI

It’s imperative for healthcare organizations and business associates to take every precaution when it comes to managing protected health information or PHI. Aside from having significant regulatory and compliance implications, failing to protect PHI can seriously affect clients and damage a business’s reputation. Here are some steps you can take to avoid the repercussions of […]

Steps to implementing a proactive cybersecurity strategy

Despite the large number of cybersecurity incidents being reported every day, many businesses still fail to put adequate cybersecurity measures in place to keep their data and operations secure. If you’re looking to beef up your company’s cyber defenses, consider a proactive cybersecurity strategy. Learn what proactive cybersecurity is and how it can help protect […]

Tips for keeping company mobile devices secure

Cybersecurity has long been paramount for businesses that utilize digital solutions, but it’s even more essential for today’s distributed workforces. As cloud and mobile technologies continue to prove their value, it’s important that you take proactive steps to manage and protect company mobile devices. Here’s what you should do. Ensure mobile OS is up to […]

Why you should update your firmware

These days, cyberattacks are inevitable for any and all businesses, regardless of size or sector. Businesses that use computers with outdated firmware are particularly vulnerable to an attack and all the security risks associated with it. What is firmware? Firmware is a basic type of software that is embedded into every hardware component in computers, […]

Here’s what to remember when buying antivirus software

It’s essential to have antivirus software installed on your business computers to protect these against viruses, malware, ransomware, and spyware, among others. However, not all antivirus programs are created equal. If you’re looking for the best antivirus software, consider the following points. Cost There are free antivirus programs in the market, but they only offer […]

How to keep your business safe from hackers

At a time when cyberattacks are more sophisticated than ever, data security and privacy should be every small-business owner’s top priority. The good news is you don’t have to be a tech wizard to make it happen. Here are some practical ways to shield your company from hackers. Cover your webcam If Facebook founder Mark […]