Stay in operation with these BCP strategies

Power outages, disasters and other disruptions happen. And thousands of businesses around the globe are affected by them every year, with lost profits ranging into the millions, if not billions. So how can your business protect itself and stay open when the unexpected strikes? Here are five common business continuity strategies that many companies rely […]

Better understanding social media’s value

Are you confused on just how to measure the value of your company’s social media? Don’t worry about it because you are not alone. While there is a lot of information out there in regards to the subject, it is something that experts still don’t necessarily agree on. This has made it difficult for businesses, […]

Working from home tips to boost productivity

Working from home may sound like a faraway dream, but with the inception of the Internet, it has become a reality. Today, more and more organizations are allowing their staff to work remotely instead of coming into the office every day. The results have been positive – employers notice an increase in productivity, work quality, […]

Patients want electronic communication

More and more people are clamouring for the ability to communicate with their doctor through email and social media. In fact, a recent study from the Journal of General Internal Medicine reports that 37 percent of patients have emailed their doctor while 18 percent used Facebook to get in touch with their physician. It behooves […]

Twitter’s cyber attack warnings

While a small number of Facebook and Google users have, in the past, been warned that their accounts may have been hacked into by something called a “state-sponsored actor”, users of social media platform Twitter have largely escaped unscathed by the phenomenon. Or at least they haven’t been told about it. Until now, that is, […]